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Get To Know Morgan #2

For International Women's Day we're putting a spotlight on some of the women powering The BIG 98!

Meet Morgan #2!

We sat down with Morgan #2, the Digital Director for The Bobby Bones Show, to get to know her, along with her role in the radio industry a little better.

What made you want to get into radio/music?

I studied Broadcast Journalism in college and always loved the entertainment industry. I didn’t plan to go into radio though, I was aiming towards TV and fell into the job of radio. But, I’m so glad I did because everything worked out for the better.

What was your journey like from starting out to where you are now?

Those first few months of no job post-college are some of the most difficult. It had me contemplating the degree I got and what the rest of my life was going to look like, but I pushed through and kept applying to jobs eventually getting my first foot in the door at iHeartRadio. That first opportunity lead to all of the ones that followed. Sometimes life has bigger plans than you have for yourself!

What advice would you give to young girls that want to pursue a career in our field?

Go after it with everything you have. This career is all about passion, drive and hard work. If you don’t love it and give it all you got, you won’t last in the long run. 

Want to keep up with Morgan #2? Keep up with her on Instagram and Twitter!