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Coach's Wife Kisses Every Player As They Get Off The Bus, Twitter Reacts

Different sports teams have different traditions. Whether it is wearing lucky socks, tapping a logo before taking the field, or chanting in a huddle, plenty of athletes regularly do something that might be considered strange. However, a recent tweet about one tradition the Florida Gators have has a lot of people talking. The now-deleted tweet from a fan of a rival team reads, "[Head coach] Dan Mullen's wife Megan continues her tradition of kissing each #Gators player on the lips as they get off the bus. #GoDawgs #DawgsOnTop" and features a photo of Mullen kissing a player. While Mullen's wife, Megan, does indeed greet every player with a kiss, it is not on the lips.

Even though the kisses are just on the cheek, there is still plenty of pushback over Megan Mullen's actions. Megan has explained that she does it because she is like a surrogate mother to all the players on the team and the kisses are just her way of showing her love of them. However, lots of people on Twitter have taken issue with it and think it is inappropriate.

As yet, the Mullens haven't commented further on the tradition nor have they stated if it will continue.

Photo: YouTube